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5 Tips to Improve your Chess Rating(for Beginners)

We all know we want to make our chess ratings higher. Of course, we should do this humanly and not cheat with Stockfish or Komodo engines to help us win every game. These five tips below are guaranteed to make your chess rating higher(If you’re a beginner)

  1. Start with a center control opening: Obviously grandmasters play fancy openings like the Englund Gambit or the English opening, but for now, try to start with e4 or d4 for maximum winning percentage, as it gives you an equal opportunity to control the center.

  2. Always castle(hopefully early): In chess, the key is to win by attacking the opponents king. Leaving your king in the center makes it vulnerable to lots of attacks from many directions, and castling it puts it behind a safe wall of pawns.

  3. Develop knights in the beginning: In the beginning, there are much more pieces on the board than in the endgame. Bishops are good for covering long distances, but in crowded and closed positions early on, knights are the key to getting an early advantage.

  4. Drink water: I know, this sounds weird, but did you know that when you get thirsty, your brain has already lost 2% of its functioning capacity? That’s a lot! Keep yourself hydrated, as that 2% may help you win the game!

  5. Keep trying! Never give up when you lose, analyze why you lost and try again! Repetition and practice are the key to making your rating higher.

I hope with these tips you’ll be able to improve your rating! If there is anything you’d like us to include in our next article, feel free to reach out in the forums or email us directly!

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